The main program is a real estate development company, whose base consists of lightweight steel construction. Ideal solution for roof extensions, commercial construction and building houses.
Vacant land for sale, 772 square meters, Mukařov, Prague East
Our company would like to offer a flat building plot for sale in the village Mukařov, Prague - East. Land designated for construction of family house. Electricity is located on the property. Sewerage, water and gas are located at the site. The bus stop is 5 minutes walk. Very good access to Prague (about 15min) and to the highway D1 (about 8min).
Adresss: Mukařov, Praha – East
Land area: 772m2
Transport nearby: bus
Drainage: yes
Water: yes
Gas: yes
Electricity: yes
Price: 1.490.000,- Kč (to negotiate)
Contact: Martin Rychlý 734 471 104
Stavební pozemek Velíková u Zlína 425 m2

Our company would like to offer a flat vacant land for sale in the village Velíková near Zlín. The land is designated for construction of family house, planning permission has been granted. Land is ready to build a house foundation. Electricity, sewer and water are located at the side. The bus stop is a short walk away. Good access to Zlín. Very quiet and sought after location. We offer convenient financing.
Adress: Velíkova u Zlína
Land area: 425m2
Transport: MHD
Drainage: yes
Water: yes
Gas: yes
Electricity: yes
Price: 499.000,- Kč (k jednání)
Contact: Roman Málek 733 121 182